關於stretching exercises的評價,
"I have had a left shoulder pain for about a year. Although I had been doing stretching exercises, t...
"I have had a left shoulder pain for about a year. Although I had been doing stretching exercises, t...
Stretching Exercises 😀❤️💪😱😘💯👌🏻🙏 #Masterchrisleong...
常常在運動後覺得肌肉酸痛嗎? 這21個肌肉伸展運動幫助你預防運動傷害及放鬆肌肉.👆 #超實用...
【骨盆前傾】 . 腰痛有五、六年了吧,我一直以為我是「#腰椎前凸症」,因為我的腰部非常內凹,平躺在床...
練習每天都拉筋伸展, 身體也會得到放鬆, 肌肉表現也會更好喔^^ 平均拉筋的時間是15-6...
【春日養肝】肝好不好原來一眼就看得出來 ⭐小朋友眼睛特別明亮 ⭐因為他們大多都睡飽吃好心情好...
Pic - Bella mastering the split ! In TaeKwanDo a...
【改善體質】氣血兩虛容易染病 #氣血就好像一架車的引擎和燃料 #人虛弱病邪容易有機可乘 #...
【愛自己系列 】躺著也可以做運動! #放輕鬆星期六 #未想起床可以先閉著眼睛拉拉筋 #拉完...
Working on @intothebadlands combined with years o...